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Anticipated Vacancies 2023-2024
(Budget Pending)


  • Arts - Media Arts, Visual Art, Drama, Music

  • Social Studies 

  • Physics, Chemistry, or Earth Science  

  • Physical Education

IHSPH is looking for NYS licensed teachers to join our staff. Our small school is designed exclusively to serve the needs of recent immigrant English Language Learners. Upon arriving at our school, students have been in the country anywhere from one day up to four years.


Our population is diverse, and students are taught in non-tracked classes that are heterogeneous with regard to language and ability. Therefore, a willingness to develop expertise in differentiating instruction widely is essential for success in our school. The school and classroom model are collaborative, project-based and English language and content instruction are integrated. We are an ELL Waiver school of the Internationals Network of Public Schools and our students graduate via Portfolio-Based Assessments, and an English and Mathematics Regents only.


The IHSPH community is supportive of the learning of its teachers as well as its students. Teachers have time for common interdisciplinary and content planning as part of their day. We are looking for dedicated teachers, who thrive on teamwork, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. In addition, as a school that looks toward the well-being of the whole child, we are interested in teachers who will engage with both the social emotional as well as the academic needs of students, and who are either trained in or interested in learning about restorative practices.


Our ideal candidates are reflective teachers who wish to grow, are resourceful, and thrive in collaborative environments. Applicants must have an interest in, and/or experience with, project-based learning, performance-based assessment, and language development through content instruction. International experience, dual certification that includes ESL, and/or knowledge of a foreign language is preferred, though not required.


If interested, please send your cover letter and resume to:

The International High School at Prospect Heights

883 Classon Ave, 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-230-6333

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